Thursday, June 2, 2011

TFS 2010 SP1 Goody: Using the API to retrieve Code Coverage Information for a Build

There was a new approach for exposing Test related information in TFS 2010 in the API thru the new TestManagementService.  It was particularly easy to get the Unit Test information for a give build URI:

        using (TfsTeamProjectCollection Tfs = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(…)
            Uri myBuild= new Uri(… some build URI…);
            TestManagementService tcm = (TestManagementService) Tfs.GetService<TestManagementService>();

            ITestManagementTeamProject teamProject = tcm.GetTeamProject(… Team Project Name…);

            foreach (var testResult in teamProject .TestRuns.ByBuild(myBuild))


With SP1 of Visual Studio and the Team Client, Code Coverage results by build or test run has been exposed as the CoverageAnalysisManager property off ITestManagementTeamProject.

namespace Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client
    public interface ICoverageAnalysisManager
        IBuildCoverage[] QueryBuildCoverage(string buildUri, CoverageQueryFlags flags);
        ITestRunCoverage[] QueryTestRunCoverage(int testRunId, CoverageQueryFlags flags); 

So now, if you want extend the example above to iterate thru the Assembly (Module)level Code Coverage information:

foreach (IBuildCoverage coverage in teamProject.CoverageAnalysisManager.QueryBuildCoverage(myBuild.ToString(), CoverageQueryFlags.Modules))
    foreach (IModuleCoverage moduleInfo in coverage.Modules)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

MVCConf Materials: Industrial Strength NuGet

Want to again shout out to The Hex, Eric Hexter,  for getting me involved, coordinating, guiding, all that good stuff Smile.  And thank you those that attended.

Link to the basic materials –> (

  1.  The AndyWahr.NuGet.sln contains the BuildHelpers (custom workflow assemblies), the BuildTemplate project (for visual editing of the build Workflow), and NuGet-Project (nuget package for creating nuget’s).
  2.  Simulated project of a consumer of a NuGet.
  3.  Simulated solution of a Framework team that produces a NuGet for other teams.
  4. Industrial Strength Nuget.pptx:  Deck for the presentation.

I’ll be posting over the next little bit full details that went into the demo:

  1. Setup of the environment
  2. Detail view of the custom workflow
  3. More info about the process.

Stay Tuned!